I am Corey Mcbride and I am a graphic designer with an emphasis on branding. Most of my work is dedicated to my clothing brand Dishearted, which is a mental health awareness skate brand . It was originated in 2016 as Aesthetics and in 2021 was rebranded to Dishearted. The rebrand was focused on my own journey and to help others who may be struggling through art.

Graphic design is an area I am extremely passionate about and have been since a young age. Throughout school I was placed in TVA (talented visual art). I continued my passion and attended Texas Christian University to master in Graphic Design. During my time at TCU was when my desire to create my own brand became prominent. My junior year I was medically disqualified from my football scholarship, and my time at TCU was cut short. After this trying time in my life, I decided to make my dreams a reality and still pursue my passion for creating art. In the process of creating my own brand I have picked up skills in photography, web development, and social media branding.

I am a striving graphic designer seeking to learn
more and grow in the design field. I would love to help other brands reach new heights whether that is through making products, websites, or photography.